Mother Thatipatri Gnanamma, dynamic foundress of the congregations of St. Anne, Madras, and St. Anne, Phirangipuram, has been declared Servant of God, by the Bishop of Guntur diocese, Gali Bali in March 2013 . This will lead to her Beatification and Canonisation.
Gnanamma was an unlettered woman who became a widow at the age of 37. At a time when educating women was a tall order, Gnanamma established a school for girls at Kilacheri in 1863 and founded the St. Ann’s Congregation at Phirangipuram in 1874.
Humility blending with courage she recognized the greatness and holiness of God and consented to God’s will. In the beginning of her school she intended only to respond to the local needs of the street girl children and destitute. The saints do not compromise with vice and sin. They have one agenda to live on God’s given life completely. Just as the candle melts itself to bring light in darkness our foundress Mother Gnanamma sacrificed her entire life and lit the lives of many deprived.
The spirit of Mother Gnanamma is so vibrant that she captures the hearts of the people all over the world. Her daring step to abandon her own people and possession in order to empower the women through education enables us to explore new avenues to reach out to the marginalized. It is a great privilege for us to make her name known to the world. She will soon be celebrated across the borders. May her spirit be our guide
Excerpts from the Declaration Letter:
Romae, die 21 Ianuarii A.D. 2014
Prot. N. 3129-1/13
Excellentissime Domine,
Litteris sub N. ABS/001/1113, die 22 mensis Septembris anni 2013 editis,
Excellentia Tua ab hac Congregatione de Causis Sanctorum quaerit utrum ex parte
Sanctae Sedis aliquid obsit Causae Beatificationis et Canonizationis Servae Dei
Gnanammae viduae Innaiah, Matrisfamilias et Fundatricis Congregationis Sororum
Sanctae Annae de Madras et de Phiranghipuram, quae vita anno 1874 functa est.
Re explorata, placet mihi Excellentiam Tuam certiorem reddere ex parte Sanctae
Sedis nihil obstare quominus Causa Beatificationis et Canonizationis eiusdem Servae
. Dei peragi possit, servatis “Normis servandis in Inquisitionibus ab Episcopis faciendis
in Causis Sanctorum “, die 7 mensis Februarii anno 1983 ab eadem Congregatione
Excellentiae Tuae addictissimus
in Domino
Angelus Card. Amato, S.D.B.
+Marcellus Bartolucci
Archiepiscopus tit. Mevmiien.
a Secretis
Prot.No:3129 – 1/13
Your Excellency,
In Your Letter Ref.ABS/001/1/13, Dated 22nd September, 2013, sent to this Congregation forthe cause of saints you have asked whether, on the part of the holy See, there is any obstacle to proceed with the cause of beautification and canonization of Servant of God, Gnanamma widow of Mr. Innaiah, and the Mother General and Foundress of the Congregation of St.Anne of madras and of Piranghipuram, who died in 1874.
After having studied the matter, I am happy to inform your Excellency that from the part of theHoly See, there is no obstacle whatsoever to proceed with the cause of Beautification andCanonization of the above mentioned Servant of God, provided “the Norms to the followed bythe Bishops in the cause of Saints” issued by this congregation on 7th February, 1983 arefaithfully followed.
Yours in our Lord,
Angelus Card. Amato,S.D.B
+Marcellus Bartolucci
Titular Archbishop of Mevanien.