Our Spirituality

“Most high, all powerful, all good Lord! All praise is yours, all glory, all honor, and all blessing. To you, alone, Most High, do they belong. No mortal lips are worthy to pronounce your name.”

St Francis – Canticle of St Francis

 “Our Spirituality” is based on the Franciscan way of life, which is deeply rooted in the holy Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the very life which St. Francis of Assissi himself lived in his life time. Our Foundress mother Thatipatri Gnanamma quite obediently followed the Franciscan ideals of perfection in her life of utter simplicity and full trust in God.

For St. Francis, Jesus Christ is everything in his life, in his word & in his deed. Let us therefore make Jesus Christ the centre of our life, to proclaim Him by walking in the footsteps of  St. Francis of Assisi, our spiritual father.


 Primarily our Franciscan style demands of us a reverential attitude even to the least of the brethren of Jesus (cf Mt 25:40) be they in our communities or outside. Our life style, individually or collectively shall be simply enough to help us to live and witness Christ the poor man in spirit and in truth.

We, the Congregation of Sisters of St. Anne, Phirangipuram, have chosen the Rule of the Third Order Regular of St, Francis of Assisi, proved by His Lordship John Alen, the Coadjutor Bishop of Madras; imbibing the charism of St. Francis, the Congregation grew in number and spread rapidly.


Love for Jesus Christ, Poor and Humble:

The Franciscan vocation is strongly oriented to the Person of Jesus Christ, poor and humble, as it can be found in St. Francis. Franciscan life is rooted in the teachings and in the example of Jesus Christ, our beloved Saviour, as found in the Holy Gospel. The Gospel words vivified the Franciscan vision of the mystery of Christ. Our Foundress Mother Thatipatri Gnanamma had exhorted us to give primary place to God. “For Gnanamma, God’s will was not an external guide to be followed faithfully, courageously and perseveringly in all matters”. It was much more; for, we are told that she “abided” with it and “abiding” is a lingering and loving union which affects the very core of personality.

God who became the centre in the life of Francis, the converted youn man, gradually assumed the features of Jesus Christ. Christ revealed himself to Francis through the Crucifix in San Damiano (2 Cel. 10); in the leper (1 Cel.17) and in the poorest of the poor or those abandoned by the society (2 Cel.9).

St. Francis had the certitude. Of faith, that God wanted him to follow Jesus closely. “His whole soul thirsted after Christ and he dedicated not only his whole heart but his whole body as well to Christ (2 Cel.94), as is the testilmony given by his Biographer Thomas Celano.

Let us realize that each step in the life of Jesus is an invitation to follow him more closely and intimately. Francis taught: “It was the fathers will that his blessed and glorious Son, whom He gave to us and Who was born for us, should, through His own blood, offer Himself as a sacrifice and oblation on the alter of the Cross: not for Himself through whom all the things were made, but for out sins, leaving as an example that we should follow in His foot steps (2 Letter to the Faithful, 11-13, Francis & Clare, .p. 68)”.
Francis instruction to the Brothers and Sisters of the Third Order was that in order to follow Jesus Christ one should have spiritual wisdom: “All those, who are not living in penance are blind since they do not see the true light, our Lord Jesus Christ. They do not have spiritual wisdom, since they do not possess the son of God, who is the true wisdom of the Father’’ (2 L.F, II, 7-8, p.64) .

Trust in Divine Providence

Our Foundress, Mother Thatipatri Gnanamma while dying (on death bed) instructed her spiritual daughters about the necessity of trusting in the Divine Providence and supporting our sisters through hard work. “Do not depend on government aid or expect to receive help from others, but rather through industry and hard work be self supporting” (Historical Outline, p. 10).

From the early days of his conversion, St. Francis is seen to have thrown himself in the hands of Divine Providence. On the one hand the Spirit of God led him forward in life, on the other hand God led him through the instrumentality of his representatives, Bishops and priests.

Providentially his fraternity grew into a large Religious Order. Francis and his early brothers were fearless in facing difficult situations in life. They had recourse to the “table of the lord” in the extreme necessity. God in his mercy provided them with food in a miraculous maner. Francis admonished them “to place ever greater trust in the Divine mercy” (1 Cel. 34)

Trust in the Divine Providence does not excuse us from hard work, intellectual or physical, to earn our livelihood and to help others who are in need. In the autobiographical Testament that he wrote hardly a week before his death we read how the early Fraciscans trusted in the Divine Providence. “Those who came to receive life gave to the poor everything which they are capable of possessing and they were content with one tunic, patched inside and out, with a cord and short trousers. And they had no desire for anything more. They used to say the Office as other clerics did; the lay brothers said the Our Father; and they quite willingly stayed in churches. And they were simple and subject to all” (Testament, 16-19, F & C.p. 155).

Guidance of the Holy Spirit

In the life of the Franciscan order, guidance of the Holy Spirit has very high place. History has witnessed that from the early stages of the Founder’s conversion, the Divine Spirit played an important role. First Celano says that the Holy Spirit took discipline (I Cel. 6).

In line with Francis own (Testament) confession that the Lord led him Celano the biographer, reported that God showed him what he was to do (Test: 2,4,6 & 14; Cel: 7). In spite of the opposition from his own father and his society, Francis took very strong decisions and steps in life with the strength of the Holy Spirit (1 Cel. 7-16).  

In line with Francis own (Testament) confession that the Lord led him Celano the biographer, reported that God showed him what he was to do (Test: 2,4,6 & 14; Cel: 7). In spite of the opposition from his own father and his society, Francis took very strong decisions and steps in life with the strength of the Holy Spirit (1 Cel. 7-16).  

It is seen clearly that in his Apostolic endeavours as well as instructions to the followers he was guided by the Holy Spirit (I Cel. 18). As a servant of God, endowed with the Lord’s gifts, Francis gave what he had received. The Word he has conceived in the inspiration of the Spirit is proclaimed in his life and deeds. The work of the Spirit is the greatest gift, and it granted him the desire to identify himself with the suffering and crucified Christ, who breathes forth the Spirit.

To live according to the pattern of the holy Gospel

It was on the feast of St. Mathias, February 24th,that Francis heard during the mass at Mary of the Angles or Portiuncula for the first time the words of the Holy Gospel the passage that described Jesus sending his disciplines two by two to preach: And as you go preach the message, The Kingdom of heaven is at hand, ‘cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. Freely have you received, freely give. 

Do not keep gold, or silver or money in your girdles, no wallet for your journey, nor two tunics, nor  sandals, nor staff; for the labourer deserves his living” (Mt.10:7 12; I Cel.22). As he heard it, he cried out exultingly: “This is what I wish, this is what I seek, this is what I longed to do with all my heart” (1 Cel. 22). Ever since, Francis relived according to the pattern of the Holy Gospel most faithfully. Francis gives the most striking testimony about it in his Testament: ‘The Most High Himself revealed to me that I should live according to the form of Holy Gospel “ (Test. 14, p. 154- 155; 1 Cel. 32).

Acording to St. Francis the Holy Gospel is supreme norm for one’s life. In both the rules, the first chapter begins, “The rule and the life of the friars minor is this: to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by living in obedience, without anything of their own, and in chastity” (Confirmed Rule, 1.1; E.R. 1.1).

Holy Eucharist

The Foundress Mother Gnanamma had very great faith in the most Holy Eucharist. She was so fervent in her Eucharistic life that she wanted often the Eucharistic Sacrifice and receive the holy communion daily. For Francis’, the Eucharist was the bodily presence of the Most High Son God in this world. In his testament he acknowledged the faith in the Eucharistic presence of Christ. It stood out first among the graces he received from God soon after his conversion (Test 7-11; F & C.p. 154). As Francis sees, the Holy Eucharist is to be received in the Holy Communion with a sinless heart and soul because it is a participation in his passion, suffering, death and resurrection (Letter to the General Chapter, 12-22, F & C. p. 56-57).

Fraternal Love

In the book of the Institute of St.Anne we are told that Gnanamma was as affectionate as a mother to her spiritual daughters(IAS. 12). It was not a soft sentiment or emotions; it was genuine love flowing from the spirit of Jesus Christ in her. For , she wholly forgot herself and spent herself for their material& spiritual welfare(IAS. 12).

 As can be observed from history, St.Francis  refused admission to nobody, because of his faith-conviction that any candidate is sent by God. His approach was very positive in helping these candidates to follow Jesus in every way. If anyone, desiring by divine inspiration to accept this life, should come to our brothers, let them be received by them with kindness.

  Mutual trust and affection to one another, as to the very person of Jesus Christ, is an important element of fraternal (sisterly) love. This will inspire to trust others to seek help from others, and to put oneself at the service of others in their spiritual and material needs.

Obedience to the Authority in the Catholic Church

Among the three last instructions of Mother Thatipatri Gnanamma, the first one is, “Be always humble and obedient to the prelates and Spiritual heads”. This instruction was the culmination and exact reflection of her own life and attitude of perfect loyalty to the Church and its Pastors (H.O.p. 12).

 For St.Franics, Church is the Church of God and Holy because it originated from God. It is through this church that God continues his salvific mission. From her Lord, holy Mother Church has received the authority to interpret the will of God for her children in matters pertaining to salvation. St.Franics understood his vocation can be lived only in submission to the Holy Roman Church. That is the reason why he took his brothers to the Supreme Pontiff and submitted the Rule of the Order to him for his approval (1 Cel. 32-33).

Prayer-Life in Union with God

From the early stages of his conversion, Francis was led by God into prayer of direct personal conversation in order to find out his will (1 Cel. 7). “When he had begged for the mercy of God it was shown to him by god what he should do”. In that period Franics prayed devotedly that the eternal and true God would direct his way and teach him to do his will.

 Franics prayer was most of the time in silence. It was contemplative prayer. Franciscan prayer is affective in nature. He tried to keep always his spirit in the presence of God by praying to Him without intermission.

Humility and Simplicity

A poor woman from the countryside, Mother Gnanamma had a simple life style and humble manners.

Thomas Celano in the biography testifies : “He ( Francis ) was humble in dress , more humble in conviction, most humble in reputation. This prince of God was not known as any one’s superior except by this brightest jewel alone, namely, that among the lesser he lesser he was the minister General. All lofty speaking was absent from his mouth, all pomp from his gestures, all ostentation from his actions” (2 Cel. 140-141).

Humility and Simplicity go together. Francise wished that this simplicity be found in all the brothers. Indeed he asked them to cultivated holy Simplicity. “Pure, holy simplicity destroys all the wisdom of this world and the wisdom of the body. Holy Humility destroys pride and all the people who are in this world, and all things that belongs to the world” (The Salutation of the virtues 10,12,F& C.p.152).

Being poor for the sake of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom

Our Holy Foundress Mother Gnanamma had given an inspiring example for all the members of our Congregation by selling all her property in its totality. “Mother Gnanamma went to her own place, Phirangipuram in 1862, and disposing of all her movable and immovable property she purchased small house in order to start our Congregation’ .

 For Francis poverty is not a value in itself. But it is a value because Jesus Christ the Son of God, “Made himself poor for our sake in the world” (C.R.VI, 3, F& C. p. 141). Francis presents the motivation for living as a poor in the birth, in namely to follow Jesus Christ, Jesus was poor by birth, in the life and in death. “All the brothers should strive to follow the humility and poverty of our Lord Jesus Christ and remember that we should have nothing else in the whole world except, as the Apostle says, having nothing else in the whole world except, as the Apostle says, having something to eat and something to wear, we be content with these” (cf. 1 Tim. 6:8; E. R. IX, 1, F& C. p. 117).