Spiritual Visionary
Smt Gnanamma very obediently followed the Franciscan ideals of perfection in her life of utter simplicity and full trust in God. Mother Gnanamma chose a Francisian life style, both at an individual level as well as collectively for her followers so that they live a simple life and witness Christ the poor man in spirit and in truth.
When the congregation was founded on 18th October, 1874, Gnanamma named it after St. Clare, the Foundress of the Franciscan Order for women and adopted the rules and regulations of St. Ann’s Convent, Bellary. Following the simple lifestyle of St. Francis of Assisi, our Foundress Mother Gnanamma, the Servant of God, lived her life to the full and imbibed the spirit to her collaborators Mother Angela and Sr. Philomena and to the lone member Mother Joseph Pagadala.
Gnanamma’s unstinted hard work, chronic asthma, her long and tedious journeys and her sacrifices took a toll on her health. She died on 21stDecember 1874, having received the last sacrament.